Website Design – Limehouse Dry Cleaning

25 Feb

This website was designed as a replacement for an existing but outdated website.  The final design followed a few stages where information was first collated to enable a me to design a mock-up an example page to define the look and feel of the website.  

The look and feel was based on existing print media and the current logo.  The colour scheme was set to work well with the existing branding. An amendment was made to their logo and approved during the process with the addition of the three square corner graphics for the web logo.  This is now being incorporated across the brand.  A client meeting took place to create a full brief and specification of all the pages over the two domains.  I wrote all of the copy on the website following research into the dry cleaning market and conversing with the client to confirm validity of the information relating to specific services they provided.

When tested against the agreed likely search terms such as, “docklands dry cleaning” or “east london dry cleaning” the website performs well and appears (at time of writing) on the first page of Google results.

Overall they now have a website that better reflects the level of service and care that the client provide for their own clients.  It is also a website that should be able to encourage a user from their initial search on google, to the Limehouse website, and onto the contact page or telephone to make an enquiry.


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